Monday 11 April 2011


So I felt at the end of March I was playing quite badly as I was suffering from some winners tilt and I had a feeling I was due some run bad after running above expectation in February and March.  This duly arrived at the start of April where I had some bad nl and plo sessions.  I'm not sure of my expectation in the plo games but I ran quite a lot below all in ev so that sucked.  No limit wasn't going that bad until a day where I managed to lose 13 buyins at $2/4 and a decent chuck at $5/10 which obviously ended in a pretty crappy day.  I wasn't too bothered by this loss because the big hands were mostly standard (losing waaay too many all ins and coolers) except for a couple of bad decisions I made towards the end of the session where wasn't playing my best, which I can excuse myself for.  Here was my exit hand for the session was is quite interesting...

Hand info:

Date:Thursday, April 07, 10:10:22 ET 2011
Type:Cash Games
Game:Hold'em NL
Blinds: $5,00/10,00

Table info:

Seat 1: UTG ($1 311,80)
Seat 2: UTG+1 ($1 000,00)
Seat 3: CO ($937,00)
Seat 4: Button ($1 037,66)
Posts small blind $5,00
Seat 5: SB ($2 012,00)
Posts big blind $10,00
Seat 6: BB ($1 938,66)
Dealt to Button

Preflop: (Pot: $15)

RAISE CO, to $30,00
CALL Button, $30,00

Flop: (Pot: $75,00)

BET Button, $50,00
CALL CO, $50,00

Turn: (Pot: $175,00)

BET Button, $140,00
CALL CO, $140,00

River: (Pot: $455,00)

BET Button, $817,66
CALL CO, $717,00



SHOWS Button

Button wins the pot of $100,66
CO wins the pot of $1 886,00

I decided to flat the button with aces because it's something I generally mix in with 3-betting anyway, but also because the pf raiser was unlikely to call a 3-bet oop light and iirc, the blinds were quite squeeze happy at this point.  The CO villain could 4-bet light, though obviously he would fold all his bluffs to my 5-bet shove and I was feeling greedy and wanted to win more than that.  Anyway, the flop came somewhere in between wet and dry and he checked.  This was odd because the flop is one where he can bet his air and get a lot of folds, as well as hit a lot of good bluff cards on the turn or river that can get me to fold my marginal holdings.  By checking, he's giving me the initiative if he does have some sort of weak hand with some showdown value (what on earth could that be?)  and is possibly going to have to call three barrels on a board that's only going to get more scary.  It's possible that he could slowplay something big like 5x or 44 but that's an odd line that I didn't expect him to take.

I think I could check here, as I really didn't understand what he could c/c with that I have beat (and could get future streets of value from) but I was already a bit confused and just decided to bet, to not let the hand get any more weird.  He calls.  By this time I was more confused so really won't try to attempt to think of ranges of hands he could take this line with.  I just decided my hand was good a very large % of the time and I'm not repping a lot so the villain may decide to call down light.

I decided to overbet the river as I had done it quite recently vs the same villain and he folded so he might get curious this time, as well as the fact that the I'm repping very little and the hand has being played strangely, which will add to his curiosity level.  He ends up calling with the 62s ftw.  Not going to attempt to analyse his play except to say I think he played the river extremely well.  Pf, flop and turn are up for debate though.

Luckily the downswing didn't last that long as I played a pkr reg the next day on three tables of $5/10 and managed to win 11 buyins and put me back in profit for the month.  Obviously I ran very well to win so much in what was a two hour match, but I think this reg made a few mistakes which helped me a lot.  He understandably wasn't too happy after the match and decided to berate me in any way he could in the chat box which was a shame.  When I met this person (albeit briefly) in real life he seemed like a nice enough fella, so it's a testament to the potential of internet poker to infuriate people that it can turn someone like him into an angry, swear-heavy insult machine . I guess it will be awkward if we meet again.

I ran hot again today so here's my robusto graph for April.....

I managed to ship my PKR Live seat last week too in a satellite so will definitely be playing that.  The last one was a lot of fun so looking forward to it.

In terms of non-poker stuff a few things have been going on.  Had my birthday recently which was okay I guess,  spurs losing 4-0 certainly didn't add to the fun factor of the evening!  Oh well, just have to win 5-0 at White Hart Lane.

I also decided to invest some of the money I had in a crappy savings account into something that will hopefully give me better returns.  I have to trust the financial adviser I consulted with to a certain extent, because they are supposed to be experts but I'm happy with the decisions I made because they allow me to access my money with relative ease and without heavy penalties if I need it in the near future.  This is useful in case I want to invest in property or something.

The Brighton marathon was on this Sunday.  No, I did not run but my Mum and some other people I know entered.  Mum managed to run it in 3 hours 51 minutes which is really good, especially considering it was a hot day.  I never got the running bug. I didn't enjoy it at school so had no desire to pursue it after.  I understand the health benefits of it, as well as the great feeling you must get of completing something like a marathon, but I just don't see how the punishment and boredom of the seemingly endless training is worth it.  It's easy for people like my mum because she actually enjoys the training.  I think this is the case anyway, or maybe she hates the feeling of not training....?

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