Thursday 26 May 2011


I got asked a few times at PKR Live where my screen name comes from.  It's from the Flight of the Conchords which I highly recommend if you've never seen it.  It was on HBO in the States but only on some secondary satellite channel over here so a lot of people in the UK have never heard of it.

The series is full of scenes where they break into song and one of my favorites was a rap in episode three where  Bret and Jermaine call themselves 'Rhymenoceros' and 'Hiphopopotamus':

Another particularly good song in it is 'Business Time'.  The lyrics in that are genius.

I'm still in the midst of my tournament month, but will wait till the end of May to do a full update on how it's gone.  But let's just say, unless I bink something between now and then, it's going to be ranty!

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