Sunday 21 November 2010

Arsenal v Spurs

It was a bit strange going to the Emirates and being surrounded by fans of 'the enemy' but it turned out to be a great day.  I got a free ticket from pkr and went to the game with four pkr gooners (was rather hoping there would be at least one other Spurs fan) and were were in club level seats which were ridiculously nice for a football match.....omg actual legroom!  This also meant free alcohol and stuff at half time which is a great perk.

Spurs didn't turn up in the first half and our defence looked like it was going to be cut apart by Fabregas and Nasri at will.  On a side note, what a petty human being Samir Nasri is by not wanting to shake hands with Gallas before the match.  Also Samir, if you score a goal lose the mouth-wide-open celebration you seem to like doing, you really are an ugly bastard. 

So we went into half time 2-0 down and pkr Arsenal fans were pretty happy and smug but I felt we had at least one goal in us considering the attacking talent we have and if it goes 2-1 then anything can happen.  And so I was proved right! We managed to score at a fantastic time early in the 2nd half with a neat finish from Bale and you could tell the Arsenal players got a bit nervous.  Then came the pretty hilarious Fabregas handball and a very composed penalty by Van Der Vaart.  At this point he went up to the Spurs fans (see above pic) who were going crazy.  Once it was 2-2 I really felt it was ours to win.  This new Spurs team just isn't the same as ones from previous years that would show potential at times but ultimately just fuck things up when it came down to it.  The goal came with five minutes to go from  Kaboul header at which point the Spurs fans went completely nuts!

This game makes me really excited about the rest of the season.  In Modric, Van Der Vaart and Bale we have three world class players and need to keep hold of them at all costs.  If we could get a long-term replacement for the perma-crocked Ledley King and a world class forward (Luis Fabiano would be my choice at the correct price) then we could be a major force in European football.  I'm not sure why Harry has decided to talk up our chances of winning a title because it just adds on pressure but whatever, I guess he likes to get the media talking about Spurs.

Bonus pic of depressed Wenger with a silly coat on:

Also, poker went well today, a late November heater would be sweet!


  1. i'm glad poker went well! wink wink ;-)

  2. "what a petty human being Samir Nasri is by not wanting to shake hands with Gallas before the match"

    it may have been justified? maybe gallas and eboue double-teamed nasri's mum?

  3. unlikely imo, think of what Nasri's Mum must look like to have spawned such an ug-monster child. Gallas, and especially Eboue, could do better.
