Sunday, 12 February 2012

2012 so far

So far this year I've been doing pretty atrociously in the form of poker I enjoy and think I am best at, and running hot in those stupid tournaments.  The cash games have been good and I think I've been playing decent most of the time so I'm sure it will turn around.  Unfortunately due to issues with my new pc I have been unable to move my previous database over which is a shame because the moan-worthy graph I posted earlier in the year now looks even more moan-worthy.  After spending a conservatively estimated ten hours trying to get Holdem Manager working on the new pc along with my previous database I have now given up.  Just when I thought losing at poker was annoying, I find something worse.

Now onto the more fun stuff: Donkaments! On a whim I decided to do a $215 hyper turbo tournament on Stars during their TCOOP and somehow managed to finish 6th for just under $19k.  The only frustrating thing about this is that I was chip leader when the final table started and was hoping to deal straight away as with it being a hyper turbo, it was a shove fest with teeny tiny skill edges.  Unfortunately to deal on Stars everyone needs to click on a check-box which at least one person didn't do, so no deal happened.  I probably could have secured myself 35-40k at that point so it's a little irritating, but there's nothing more I could do.  I also managed to bink a package to EPT Madrid in a 22r euro 3x turbo (seeing a trend here?).  That's next month so looking forward to it.

This year I've also done a couple of live tournaments.  The first was the 2500 euro WPT event in Dublin.  Think I played really well in this one actually.  There were about 70 left (36 paid I think) when I lost a big flip with AK vs QQ.  This pot would have sailed me into the money and after that I couldn't recover and lost my next three allins to bust 50 something.  I also played the £500 APT event in London and played pretty rubbish and busted early.  Some luck sack went on to win that one.

Not a lot else going on. Bye for now.

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