Saturday, 30 October 2010


So ends a pretty bad month for me pokerwise.  I ended up losing a bit of money which sucks but I didn't play that many hands and ran quite bad for the most part.  I think I played decent overall, probably playing around my B-C game most of the time.  A lot of this month has involved me having to make hero folds over and over and over again which becomes very tiresome.  After making four in a row I just get fed up and pay off the massive nit with my overpair when he is repping his flopped boat (they always have it).  Maybe if I get better at poker I can keep making these folds but within me there is always an inner calling station that needs to be released at some point.

I just got back from a night out in Brighton and with it being halloween there were loads of people dressed up and having a good time.  Unfortunately, some people who probably act like annoying rowdy idiots when drunk normally, see the added factor of costumes a as a reason to turn this up a notch.  I did chuckle at two blokes who had decided to try to start a fight with each other while both in fancy dress.  The words, "seriously, you better fuck off right now or you're gonna get hurt" seem less threatening when coming from a man in a buzz lightyear costume.

One thing I like about halloween is they always put loads of horror films on tv.  Some of my favourite films are from this genre with my number one being The Shining.  What a film.  I think in scariness terms it still stands up brilliantly today, thirty years after it was released.  I was about 14 when I first saw this film and it really affected me, both in good and bad ways.  After watching it, I was left with a depressed feeling, but was glad I had had the experience.  So many of the scenes stay in your memory, like the blood coming out of the lift, when Wendy looks at Jack's 'work' on the typewriter or the steadicam scenes with Danny seeing the twins.  There's something really frightening about the thought of a member of your family, who you love and trust, radically changing personality and turning into a psycho with the potential to kill.  Scary stuff.

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