I've decided to start a poker blog because I thought the seven or so people that would read it need it in their lives. I suppose I should introduce myself. I'll try to make this brief as my poker story is quite similar to the classic one of 'depositing a few times/going bust a few times/reading books/getting better/moving up stakes/blah blah blah.
I've been playing six years now (wow ages) and would estimate I have been profitable for three of those years. I graduated from university in the summer of 2009 so I guess I have been 'pro' for a bit over a year. I've only ever really played nl cash games in my career, last year this was primarily heads up and this year its been mostly six max. I've done pretty well out of poker so far, obviously not as well as I would like because I am a greedy bastard.
In 2010 I have spent most of my time playing on PKR under the screen name 'Rhymenoceros'. A lot of people are put off PKR by the slow pace of it and difficulty in multitabling but I find it pretty fun to play on. Also there are some real charatcters that play on the site, perhaps I will talk about some of my favourites in a later blog!
I'm not really sure how often I'm going to update this blog at the moment, I will just see how it goes.
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